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Complexities in Global Facilities Management Outsourcing Agreements

Seeking an opportunity to simplify and consolidate integral suppliers, many corporations are beginning to piece together global RE/FM organizations. These types of transition are complex, but the results can lead to greater efficiency and scalability – important factors given that the RE/FM market is by nature adaptive. By keenly understanding the RE/FM supplier market, corporate teams can better identify the key issues and opportunities in globalizing their approach.

This Trascent white paper:

  • Provides an overview of the global RE/FM market
  • Describes the key complexities in structuring global RE/FM outsourcing agreements
  • Spells out the ramifications for pursuing global or regional strategies
  • Highlights the risks of bundling an entire scope of global services with single providers
  • Outlines the human resources, legal and financial issues to contemplate.

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