looking up at buildings with a golden hue

Media Coverage Apr 01, 2017

The Gold Standard in Corporate Real Estate

Acquisition International (AI) magazine’s 2017 USA Consultancy Awards – Most Innovative Business Management Consulting Firm winner Rakesh Kishan, Managing Principal, Trascent Management Consulting imparts his thoughts on winning this award and the niche market the firm serves.

Trascent Management Consulting (Trascent) focuses on Corporate Real Estate and Facilities Management (CRE/FM), estimated to be a $400 billion market in the US. Within this niche, Trascent provides market intelligence, benchmarking, functional and technology strategies, business transformation and outsourcing implementation services (RFP, organization, technology, HR, transition, and governance) to leading global Fortune 500 corporations.

With the ability to serve globally through Trascent offices in the US, Switzerland and Singapore, Trascent helps clients implement global CRE/FM strategies that create shareholder value through a broad range of consulting services. Trascent is the only management consulting firm in the world to hold three conferences on CRE/FM annually in the US, EU, and APAC. These conferences have been attended by about 150 Fortune 500 companies, representing billions in CRE/FM budgets.

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